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A collection of testimonials from our students, fellow practitioners, and clients around the world.
Thanks for all the kind words & support on each others Inner Path!
"I’ve been practicing and studying with Guillem since 2013. His teaching has helped my internal development, and he continues to be a great resource for my learning. One of his great strengths in teaching is the clarity with which he can explain the steps necessary to clearly progress to improve whatever level you are practicing at. The system of teaching laid out by Patrick Kelly is a wonderful system for internal development, Guillem has had close contact with Patrick for more than 15 years, he has made a big effort to put a great deal of that knowledge into the online platform of Taijistream. It is a resource that I recommend for all of my students, and one that I use as well, to continue to benefit from Guillem’s knowledge and practice."
Taiji Instructor & Practitioner
"I just wanted to tell you that I am feeling really great today, last night I slept for 10 hours non stop, totally relaxed. Sorry I didn't share much yesterday, i think I was reflecting on how different the traditional method felt compared to all the previous ones. I guess I "like" more to have your hands on me doing a massage or some sweeping. This being said- I feel my body really benefited. There were several distinct moments I would like to share. One was the minute you placed your hand on my left shoulder and shoulder blade, that pain disappeared in that second. It is a pain I have been having on and off for the past 6 months, from holding the phone and typing. I have tried acupuncture, osteopathy and stretches. It hasn't been so bad lately, but it hasn't gone. Yesterday it just went "poof" gone! Another moment was when you placed your hands on my hips or around there, the pain I have worked on for more that 10 years, that goes away with stretches was high yesterday, because I hadn't stretched. It also went "poof!" Even after, I sat on my friends's sofa for a good 3 hours, zero pain kind of crazy. I felt the heat of your hands through the blanket and clothes and some current of energy between your hands going through my body very distinctly. I woke up"relieved" like a big dark cloud had been lifted or something, really re-energized. Thank you!”
Cristina P
Taiji student & Reiki/Massage Client
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